It's not luck, it's Voodoo!
Menhaden Milk® and Voodoo Oil are superior products made in America to the highest standards. We use the finest quality cold pressed oil and we don’t add any stearates as filler. No added stearates mean no clumping or gelling and the products remain liquid even at the coldest temperatures for our ice fishing users. But more importantly- they work. Fish love Menhaden Milk® and Voodoo Oil.
Visit the Tips and Tricks page to see some innovative ways to use these products.
Using a proprietary process, Voodoo Offshore created Menhaden Milk® to mix into the water, not float on top like a more traditional oil. This creates many options for attracting fish to your baits on the surface, on the bottom and anywhere in between. Menhaden Milk® can be used at any depth where you want to fish. And it works in both salt and fresh water.
Voodoo Oil is more for traditional chumming. Use it for surface slicks or start it out near the bottom and let it work up through the water column. You can even use Voodoo Oil to make your own chumming concoctions. It’s made using the same high quality processes as all the Voodoo Offshore products.
Be sure to visit the Mehaden Milk® product page and the Voodoo Oil product page for more detailed information.
We can only ship to locations in the US, Hawaii and Alaska. Due to Customs restrictions, we cannot ship Menhaden Milk® or Voodoo Oil internationally. If you’re using either Menhaden Milk® or Voodoo Oil in fresh water, be sure to check with your local fish and game authorities on the use of fish attractants. We don’t want you to accidently get into trouble.
Voodoo Offshore © 2016 Website by Oakville Lane Productions, Inc.